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现行 ISO 16204:2012
Durability — Service life design of concrete structures 耐久性——混凝土结构的使用寿命设计
发布日期: 2012-08-28
本国际标准规定了耐久性验证的原则和建议程序 混凝土结构受以下因素影响: -导致材料劣化并最终导致失效的已知或可预见的环境行为 绩效评估; -结构外部环境没有侵蚀性的材料劣化,称为自老化。 注:例如,混凝土混合料中的氯化物可能会随着时间的推移而导致劣化,而无需 从环境中进入额外的氯化物。 本国际标准供国家标准化机构在制定或实施本标准时使用 验证其对混凝土结构耐久性的要求。也可适用于: -用于评估现有结构的剩余使用寿命;和 -为新结构的使用寿命设计提供了可靠性和可靠性水平的量化参数 本国际标准的国家附录中给出了设计参数。 循环应力引起的疲劳失效不在本国际标准的范围内。
This International Standard specifies principles and recommends procedures for the verification of the durability of concrete structures subject to: — known or foreseeable environmental actions causing material deterioration ultimately leading to failure of performance; — material deterioration without aggressiveness from the external environment of the structure, termed selfageing. NOTE The inclusion of, for example, chlorides in the concrete mix might cause deterioration over time without the ingress of additional chlorides from the environment. This International Standard is intended for use by national standardization bodies when establishing or validating their requirements for durability of concrete structures. It may also be applied: — for the assessment of remaining service life of existing structures; and — for the design of service life of new structures provided quantified parameters on levels of reliability and design parameters are given in a national annex to this International Standard. Fatigue failure due to cyclic stress is not within the scope of this International Standard.
归口单位: ISO/TC 71/SC 3