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现行 AT-96-12-3
Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics of R-22 and R-407C R-22和R-407C的两相流传热和摩擦特性
给出了制冷剂R22和R407C(R32/R125/R134a的混合物,23%/25%/25%)在标称直径为9.52mm的光滑管内的两相传热系数和压降特性。数据是在两种不同的蒸发压力(分别为600kPa和680kPa)下采集的。质量通量在100到300kg/m2之间。热通量在6~14kW/m2之间。实验数据以准局部传热系数和摩擦压力梯度的形式呈现。本文还报道了热流、质量流量和蒸发压力对传热系数的影响。研究发现,R407C的传热系数远低于R22(减少50%至70%),R407C在低质量流量(G=100kg/m2.s)下的压降与R22相似,在较高质量流量(G=300kg/m2.s)下的压降比R22低45%。 s) 。关键词:1996年,热流,传热系数,制冷剂,R22,R407C,混合物,R32,R125,R134a,比较,压降,性能,热力学,摩擦,实验,计算引用:研讨会论文,乔治亚州亚特兰大,1996
The two-phase heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop characteristics of refrigerants R22 and R407C (a mixture of R32/R125/R134a, 23%/25%/25%) within a smooth tube with a nominal diameter of 9.52mm are presented. The data were taken at two different evaporation pressures (600kPa and 680kPa, respectively). The mass flux was between 100 and 300kg/m2.s and the heat fluxes were between 6 and 14kW/m2. Experimental data were presented in the form of quasi-local heat transfer coefficients and frictional pressure gradients. The effects of heat flux, mass flux, and evaporation pressure on the heat transfer coefficients are also reported in the present investigation. It was found that the heat transfer coefficients for R407C are considerably lower than those for R22 (50% to 70% less), and the pressure drop of R407C is similar to that of R22 at low mass flux (G=100kg/m2.s) and 45% lower compared to R22 at a higher mass flux (G=300kg/m2.s).KEYWORDS: year 1996, heat flow, heat transfer coefficient, refrigerants, R22, R407C, mixtures, R32, R125, R134a, comparing, pressure drop, properties, thermodynamics, friction, experiment, calculating
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类