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现行 AWWA CSC91087
Computer Graphics Approach for Management of Distribution System Water Quality 配电系统水质管理的计算机图形学方法
发布日期: 1991-01-01
本文是1985年AWWA年会上提出的工作的继续。作为这项工作的一部分,开发了一个面向图形的计算机程序,以评估具有不同质量的多个供水源的整个配水网络中水质参数的浓度。计算输入的数据包括所有供水水源的水力结果(流量和压力)和水质参数浓度。该程序基于稳态条件、网络节点完全混合以及无化学反应或降解的假设。将程序结果与实际现场测量结果进行比较,验证了该方法的有效性、计算程序的可靠性以及该程序在多水源供水系统水质管理中的实用性。 图中包括程序生成的图形显示示例。彩色图形程序以图形方式在彩色监视器的三个选定颜色范围内显示九个参数(包括选定水质参数的浓度)中的任何一个。它还可以在硬拷贝上生成图形,显示不同图案的线条(代表不同的颜色),以便在黑白复制图形时区分线条。
This paper is a continuation of work presented at the 1985 AWWA annual conference. A graphics-oriented computer program was developed as part of that effort to evaluate the concentration of water quality parameters throughout a water distribution network with multiple feed sources of different quality. Data input for the calculations consist of hydraulic results (flows and pressures) and concentrations of water quality parameters for all the water supply sources. The program is based on assumptions of steady state conditions, complete mixing at network nodes and no chemical reaction or degradation. Comparison of program results with actual field measurements verified the validity of the approach, reliability of the computational procedures and utility of the program in managing water quality for a water system with multiple supply sources. Figures include examples of graphic displays generated by the program. The color graphics program graphically displays any one of nine parameters (including concentration of a selected water quality parameter) in three selected color ranges on the color monitor. It can also produce graphs on hard copy, displaying lines of different patterns (representing the different colors) in order to distinguish between lines when graphs are reproduced in black and white.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会