Paints and varnishes. Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems-Types of surface and surface preparation
油漆和清漆 用防护涂料系统对钢结构进行防腐
BS EN ISO 12944-4:2017 covers the following types of surfaces of steel structures consisting of carbon or lowalloy
steel, and their preparation:uncoated surfaces;surfaces thermally sprayed with zinc, aluminium or their alloys;hot-dip-galvanized surfaces;zinc-electroplated surfaces;sherardized surfaces;surfaces painted with prefabrication primer;other painted surfaces.This document defines a number of surface preparation grades but does not specify any requirements
for the condition of the substrate prior to surface preparation.Highly polished surfaces and work-hardened surfaces are not covered by this document.Cross References:ISO 8501-1:2007ISO 8501-2:1994ISO 1461ISO 4628-4ISO 4628-5ISO 12944-1ISO 8504 (all parts)ISO 8501-4ISO 2063 (all parts)ISO 4628-1EN 10238ISO 8501-3ISO 4628-2ISO 4628-3ISO 4628-6ISO 16276 (all parts)ISO 9001NACE RP0172-72ISO 11124-2ISO 12944-3JSRA/SPSS 1984ISO 9000SSPC: Vol.1, Vol.2, Vis-1-1990ISO 11126-7ISO 11126-3SABS 0120ISO 8502-4ISO 11126-6NACE RP0170-70ISO 2409NACE RP0175-75ISO 11126-5ISO 9004ISO 11124-3ISO 11126-1ISO 8503-1ISO 11126-8ISO 11124-4ISO 11126-4ISO 8503-2ISO 8503-5ISO 4618:2014 ED2ISO 11124-1:1993 (R08)ISO 8502-3:2017All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.