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现行 ISO 21675:2019
Water quality — Determination of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water — Method using solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) 水质.水中全氟烷基和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)的测定.固相萃取和液相色谱-串联质谱法(LC-MS/MS)
发布日期: 2019-10-26
本文件规定了使用液相色谱-串联质谱法(LC?MS/MS)测定非过滤水中所选全氟烷基和多氟烷基物质(PFA)的方法,例如饮用水、天然水(淡水和海水)和含有小于2 g/l固体颗粒物(SPM)的废水。用这种方法监测的化合物通常是线性异构体。用这种方法测定的一组化合物代表了多种PFA。表1中规定的分析物可通过该方法测定。 该列表可以根据方法的用途进行修改。根据所用设备的灵敏度和样品的基质,该方法的较低适用范围可能会有所不同。对于本文件适用的大多数化合物≥可达到0.2 ng/l的定量限。实际水平可以依赖于由单个实验室实现的空白水平。 本方法对表1中未列出的其他物质或其他类型的水的适用性不排除在外,但旨在针对每种情况分别进行验证。 注1:本文件中使用PFAS来描述监测的分析物。表1中的许多化合物是全氟烷基,也被认为是多氟烷基物质。 注2:本文件规定了线性PFAS异构体。支链异构体可能存在于环境样品中,尤其是全氟辛烷磺酸。附录E提供了单个异构体色谱和光谱分离的分析方法示例。
This document specifies a method for the determination of selected perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in non?filtrated waters, for example drinking water, natural water (fresh water and sea water) and waste water containing less than 2 g/l solid particulate material (SPM) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC?MS/MS). The compounds monitored by this method are typically the linear isomers. The group of compounds determined by this method are representative of a wide variety of PFAS. The analytes specified in Table 1 can be determined by this method. The list can be modified depending on the purpose for which the method is intended. The lower application range of this method can vary depending on the sensitivity of the equipment used and the matrix of the sample. For most compounds to which this document applies ≥0,2 ng/l as limit of quantification can be achieved. Actual levels can depend on the blank levels realized by individual laboratory. The applicability of the method to further substances, not listed in Table 1, or to further types of water is not excluded, but is intended to be validated separately for each individual case. NOTE 1 PFAS is used in this document to describe the analytes monitored. Many of the compounds in Table 1 are perfluoroalkyl and are also considered polyfluoroalkyl substances. NOTE 2 The linear PFAS isomers are specified in this document. The branched isomers can be present in environmental samples, especially for PFOS. Annex E provides an example of an analytical approach to the chromatographic and spectroscopic separation of individual isomers.
归口单位: ISO/TC 147/SC 2