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历史 ASTM F3248-17
Standard Test Method for Determining Vertical Deformation and Area Deflection of Area Elastic, Point Elastic, Combined Elastic and Mixed Elastic Sport and Dance Surfaces 测定区域弹性 点弹性 组合弹性和混合弹性体育和舞蹈表面的垂直变形和面积变形的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2017-12-01
1.1 该方法涵盖了运动表面内产生的挠度的定量测量和归一化,作为系统提供的稳定性和舒适性的指示。 1.2 垂直变形为碰撞点正下方运动表面系统内产生的垂直运动提供了一种测量方法,该点已归一化为标准冲击力。 1.3 区域偏转提供了碰撞过程中产生的振动及其在距离碰撞点预定距离处的强度的测量值。 1.4 该方法不适用于天然草皮、合成草皮或操场安全表面。 1.5 该方法适用于室内和室外表面,包括但不限于:木质和合成场地、步行/慢跑/跑步跑道、网球场、舞蹈场地、有氧运动和一般健身场地。 1.6 所述方法适用于实验室和现场设置。 1.7 区域挠度测试是可选的,仅适用于区域弹性、组合弹性和混合弹性运动表面。这些包括木材表面、弹簧木底层地板上的合成表面以及具有内部区域弹性组件的点弹性表面。 1.8 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准值。括号中提供的单位仅供参考。 1.9 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.10 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 运动员与地面之间的动态相互作用对运动员的表现和舒适性至关重要。因此,表面在载荷下变形的能力很重要。垂直变形过大可能会通过脚部不稳定影响运动员。可通过评估表面的区域挠度特性来进一步表征区域弹性地板和组合弹性地板。具有低面积挠度水平的地板通过阻尼机制或设计部件防止或消除振动。 4.2 垂直变形是运动表面广泛使用和公认的特性。管理机构、行业协会和一些国际标准认识到垂直变形的重要性。这些组织的部分名单包括:FIBA、MFMA、ASTM、EN。甚至国际足联也利用了这一特性的变化。在北美,区域偏转仍然是常见的,一个管理机构(FIBA)和一个行业协会(MFMA)目前使用该特性来证明系统在其性能计划所需测试范围内。 4.3 使用斯图加特人造运动员(SAA)进行垂直变形和区域偏转测试,该人造运动员可以通过稍微修改测试方法中的BAA(柏林人造运动员)来创建 F2569 . 实验室试验应在23±2°C(72±4°F)的标准温度下进行,但可根据客户的要求在额外温度下进行试验。在现场评估运动表面的偏转特性时,应在环境温度下进行测试。偏离标准温度可能会导致性能水平显著不同。
1.1 This method covers the quantitative measurement and normalization of deflections generated within a sports surface as an indication of the stability and comfort provided by the system. 1.2 Vertical deformation provides a measure for the vertical motion generated within the sports surface system directly below the point of impact which has been normalized to a standard impact force. 1.3 Area deflection provides a measure of the vibrations generated during an impact and their strength at a pre-determined distance from the point of impact. 1.4 This method is not applicable to natural turf, synthetic turf or playground safety surfaces. 1.5 This method is applicable to indoor and outdoor surfaces including but not limited to: wood and synthetic courts, walk/jog/run tracks, tennis courts, dance surfaces, aerobics and general fitness surfaces. 1.6 The methods described are applicable in both laboratory and field settings. 1.7 Area deflection testing is optional, and only applicable to area-elastic, combined elastic and mixed elastic sport surfaces. These include wood surfaces, synthetic surfaces on a sprung wood subfloor, and point elastic surfaces with an internal area elastic component. 1.8 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. Units provided in parenthesis are informational only. 1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.10 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 The dynamic interaction between the athlete and the surface is significant to the performance and comfort of the athlete. Therefore, the ability of the surface to deform under load is important. Too high a vertical deformation can affect the athlete through instability of the foot. Area elastic and combination elastic floors may be further characterized by evaluating the area deflection properties of the surface. Floors with low area deflection levels prevent or remove vibrations through damping mechanisms or design components. 4.2 Vertical deformation is a widely used and recognized property of sports surfaces. Governing bodies, trade associations, and a number of international standards recognize the significance of vertical deformation. A partial list of these organizations includes: FIBA, MFMA, ASTM, EN. Even FIFA utilizes a variation of this property. Area deflection is still commonly specified within North America and one governing body (FIBA) and one trade association (MFMA) currently use this property to certify systems within the required testing for their performance programs. 4.3 Vertical deformation and area deflection testing are performed with a Stuttgart Artificial Athlete (SAA) which can be created by slightly modifying the BAA (Berlin Artificial Athlete) from Test Method F2569 . Laboratory experiments are to be conducted at the standard 23 ± 2°C (72 ± 4°F), but tests at additional temperatures may be performed at the request of the client. When evaluating the deflective properties of sports surfaces in the field, testing is to be conducted at the ambient temperature. Deviations from the standard temperature may cause significantly different performance levels.
归口单位: F08.52