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现行 SAE J2721_202305
Recommended Corrosion Test Methods for Commercial Vehicle Components 商用车零部件推荐腐蚀试验方法
发布日期: 2023-05-31
本文件建立了推荐实践,以验证中型卡车、重型卡车、公共汽车和拖车应用中使用的金属部件和组件的可接受腐蚀性能。该文件的重点是加速测试和结果评估的方法。提供了适合于在车辆上的不同位置测试部件的各种测试程序。这些程序包括循环条件,包括腐蚀性化学品、干燥、湿度和磨料暴露。这些程序旨在有效评估中列出的各种腐蚀机制 表1 可以调整测试持续时间以达到任何期望的暴露水平。还考虑了关节旋转、机械应力和极端温度等加重条件。 本文件不涉及腐蚀化学或腐蚀预防方法。有关这些方面的信息,请参考SAE J447或类似标准。
This document establishes recommended practices to validate acceptable corrosion performance of metallic components and assemblies used in medium truck, heavy truck, and bus and trailer applications. The focus of the document is methods of accelerated testing and evaluation of results. A variety of test procedures are provided that are appropriate for testing components at various locations on the vehicle. The procedures incorporate cyclic conditions including corrosive chemicals, drying, humidity, and abrasive exposure. These procedures are intended to be effective in evaluating a variety of corrosion mechanisms as listed in Table 1 . Test duration may be adjusted to achieve any desired level of exposure. Aggravating conditions such as joint rotation, mechanical stress, and temperature extremes are also considered. This document does not address the chemistry of corrosion or methods of corrosion prevention. For information in these areas, refer to SAE J447 or similar standard.
归口单位: COMVC