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现行 ISO 20080:2019
Road vehicles — Information for remote diagnostic support — General requirements, definitions and use cases 道路车辆.远程诊断支持信息.定义和用例的一般要求
发布日期: 2019-03-22
本文件规定了适用于远程诊断过程的一般要求和约束,以及支持使用ExVe标准化接口实施远程诊断过程的用例和场景。 它涉及: -带四个或四个以上车轮的道路车辆,其设计和制造主要用于运输TRANS/WP中联合国第1号特别决议中定义为1类车辆的人员。29/1045,最后一次修订于2012年6月19日,以及 -带四个或四个以上车轮的道路车辆,主要用于运输TRANS/WP中联合国第1号特别决议中定义为2类车辆的货物。29/1045,最后一次修订于2012年6月19日, 这些道路车辆仍符合车辆制造商的规范。 本文档没有定义ExVe提供的接口,也没有定义ExVe内部的实现。 维修、预测、监控、配置、重新编程和变量编码等过程不属于本文件的一部分。 所有用例的先决条件(如认证和授权)不在本文档中涵盖。附录A中给出了根据ISO 20078使用ExVe网络接口实现远程诊断应用程序所需内容的可能规范。
This document specifies general requirements and constraints applicable to a remote diagnostic process, the use cases and scenarios to support the implementation of a remote diagnostic process using a standardized interface of the ExVe. It concerns: — the road vehicles with four or more wheels designed and constructed primarily for the carriage of persons that are defined as Category 1 vehicles in the United Nations Special Resolution No.1 in TRANS/WP.29/1045, as last amended on 19 June 2012, and — the road vehicle with four or more wheels designed and constructed primarily for the carriage of goods that are defined as Category 2 vehicles in the United Nations Special Resolution No.1 in TRANS/WP.29/1045, as last amended on 19 June 2012, where these road vehicles are still in accordance with the specifications of the vehicle manufacturer. This document does not define the interfaces provided by the ExVe nor the internal implementation inside the ExVe. Processes like repair, prognostics, monitoring, configuration, re-programming and variant coding are not part of this document. The prerequisites (e.g. authentication and authorization) for all use cases are not covered within this document. A possible specification of the required content for the implementation of a remote diagnostic application using the web interface of the ExVe according to ISO 20078 is given in Annex A.
归口单位: ISO/TC 22/SC 31