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现行 ISO 17779:2021
Brazing — Specification and qualification of brazing procedures for metallic materials 钎焊.金属材料钎焊程序的规范和鉴定
发布日期: 2021-12-21
本文件规定了金属材料钎焊工艺的规范和鉴定要求。 本文件规定了试件钎焊、试样测试、基本变量及其评定范围、验收标准、钎焊工艺评定记录(BPQR)和钎焊工艺规范(BPS)的要求。 本文件给出了钎焊质量要求的一般规定(见附录A)。 本文件不包括残余应力、耐腐蚀性和冲击性能的测试。 根据ISO?857-2和ISO?4063:2009,本文件适用于以下局部和全局加热钎焊工艺: -?911红外钎焊; -?912火焰钎焊、火焰钎焊; -?913激光束钎焊; -?914电子束钎焊; -?916感应钎焊; -?918电阻钎焊; -?919扩散钎焊; -?921炉钎焊; -922真空钎焊; -?923浸入式钎焊; -?924盐浴钎焊; -?925熔池钎焊; -?926浸入式钎焊; -?972弧焊钎焊。 本文件的原则可适用于其他钎焊工艺和未列出材料的钎焊。
This document specifies requirements for the specification and qualification of brazing procedures for brazing of metallic materials. This document specifies requirements for brazing of the test piece, testing of the test specimen, essential variables and their range of qualification, acceptance criteria, brazing procedure qualification record (BPQR) and brazing procedure specification (BPS). This document gives general provisions on quality requirements for brazing (see Annex A). This document does not cover testing of residual stresses, corrosion resistance and impact properties. This document applies to the following brazing processes according to ISO 857-2 and ISO 4063:2009 with local and global heating: —    911 Infrared brazing; —    912 Flame brazing, torch brazing; —    913 Laser beam brazing; —    914 Electron beam brazing; —    916 Induction brazing; —    918 Resistance brazing; —    919 Diffusion brazing; —    921 Furnace brazing; —    922 Vacuum brazing; —    923 Dip-bath brazing; —    924 Salt-bath brazing; —    925 Flux bath brazing; —    926 Immersion brazing; —    972 Arc weld brazing. The principles of this document can be applied to other brazing processes and brazing of materials not listed.
归口单位: ISO/TC 44/SC 11