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现行 AWWA ACE65318
GVRD Employs Innovative Decision Support Tools and Practices for Sustainable Water Management GVRD采用创新的决策支持工具和实践进行可持续水资源管理
发布日期: 2007-06-01
本powerpoint演示文稿首先提供大温哥华地区的背景信息和系统特征。可持续水管理的问题和机遇包括: 平衡供水和供水 需要 满足水质要求 承诺; 老化可靠性 基础设施 不断上涨的建筑成本, 能源、能源和化学品;可持续区域倡议; 运营与维护战略商业计划; 知识保留与管理 继任规划;以及监控和数据采集 (SCADA)主站 替换运营优化包括 结构变化计划 组织、工作流程和 技术: 不断与客户见面 服务水平; 不断满足水质要求 承诺; 尽量减少劳动力、能源、, 化学和材料成本;和 快速有效地响应 应对突发事件和紧急情况 发生时的条件。优化愿景包括: 集中供水 运营决策 通过日常系统 计划和日程安排;培训和授权知识渊博的操作员; 使用先进技术 满足多种作战需求 性能标准 在整个系统中;并且,使用更自动化的控制。
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing background information and system characteristics for the Greater Vancouver Regional District. Issues and opportunities for sustainable water management included: balancing water supply and demand; meeting water quality commitments; reliability of aging infrastructure; rising cost of construction, energy, and chemicals; Sustainable Region Initiative; O&M Strategic Business Plan; knowledge retention and succession planning; and, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) Master Station replacement. Operations optimization included a structured program of changes in organization, work process and technology to: continually meet customer service levels; continually meet water quality commitments; minimize labor, energy, chemical and material costs; and, respond quickly and effectively to events and emergency conditions as they occur. The vision for optimization included: centralizing water supply operations decision making through daily system planning and scheduling; train and empower knowledgeable operators; use advanced technologies to meet multiple operational performance criteria throughout the system; and, use more automated control.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会