90/518/EEC: Council Decision of 24 September 1990 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Economic Community, on the one hand, and the Republic of Austria, the republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Swiss confederation, on the other, laying down a procedure for the exchange of information in the field of technical regulations
90/518/EEC:1990年9月24日理事会关于欧洲经济共同体与奥地利共和国、芬兰共和国、冰岛共和国、挪威王国、瑞典王国和瑞士联邦缔结协定的决定 制定技术法规领域的信息交流程序
90/518/EEC: Council Decision of 24 September 1990 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Economic Community, on the one hand, and the Republic of Austria, the republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Swiss confederation, on the other, laying down a procedure for the exchange of information in the field of technical regulations