Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 283: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving for bus-bar insulation
IEC 60684-3-283:2019 RLV包含IEC官方国际标准及其红线版本。Redline版本不是官方文档,它只有英文版本,为您提供了一种快速简单的方法来比较IEC官方标准与其以前版本之间的所有变化。
IEC 60684-3-283:2019给出了母线绝缘用两种热收缩聚烯烃套管的要求,标称收缩比为2.5:1。已经发现该套管适用于高达100℃的温度。
A型:中等壁-内径通常高达170.0 mm
B型:厚壁-内径通常高达165.0 mm
这些套管通常有红色或棕色。由于这些类型的套管涵盖了相当大的尺寸和壁厚范围,附录A(表A。1和A.2)提供了可用尺寸范围的指导。实际尺寸和壁厚将由用户和供应商根据所提供的已安装管道的电气强度和用户的要求商定。符合本规范的材料符合既定的性能水平。然而,用户对特定应用的材料的选择将基于该应用中足够性能所必需的实际要求,而不是仅基于本说明书。本第二版取消并取代了2010年出版的第一版和修正案1:20 13。本版构成技术修订版。与上一版相比,此版本包括以下重大技术变更:
IEC 60684-3-283:2019 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is not an official document, it is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition.
IEC 60684-3-283:2019 gives the requirements for two types of heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving for bus-bar insulation, with a nominal shrink ratio of 2,5:1. This sleeving has been found suitable up to temperatures of 100 °C.
Type A: Medium wall - internal diameter up to 170,0 mm typically
Type B: Thick wall - internal diameter up to 165,0 mm typically
These sleevings are normally supplied in colour, red or brown. Since these types of sleeving cover a significantly large range of sizes and wall thicknesses, Annex A (Tables A.1 and A.2) provides guidance to the range of sizes available. The actual size and wall thickness will be agreed between the user and supplier depending on the electric strength of the installed tubing offered and the requirements of the user. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010 and Amendment 1:2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- change of moulded plaque thickness for resistance to tracking and weathering tests to (6 ± 0,5) mm.
Keywords: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving for bus-bar insulation