The overriding goal of this work is to develop a knowledge base on drinking water ultraviolet (UV)
disinfection that utilities, engineers, and regulators can use to reduce the risks and costs of
applying this technology. Specific objectives that will allow us to achieve this goal are as
conduct a comprehensive literature review on drinking water UV disinfection with a
focus on full-scale applications;
identify critical issues and questions that face utilities, engineers, and regulators who
are implementing drinking water UV disinfection;
develop a database structure for collecting quantitative and qualitative data on
drinking water UV disinfection including design, validation, performance, costs, and
lessons learned;
collect a representative data set on drinking water UV disinfection that spans
geography, water quality, capacity, treatment goals, and commercial technologies;
analyze collected data to answer important issues and questions;
develop software tools that utilities, engineers, and regulators will use to improve UV
system design and optimize UV system performance; and,
disseminate the literature review, database, software tools, and findings from this
work using hardcopy reports and electronic files.
We expect this project to develop a large and complex dataset involving both quantitative
and qualitative data from many participating utilities. To ensure the information collected in this
project answers the important questions on drinking water UV disinfection, we propose a three-phase
approach for data collection and knowledge base development. Phase 1 involves:
Quality Assurance Project Plan;
Literature Review;
Identify Research Questions;
Develop Surveys and Database; Initial Data Collection;
Develop Onsite Test Plans; and,
Phase 1 QA/QC Review.
Phase 2 involves:
Site Evaluations;
Utility Contact Plan; and,
Phase 2 QA/QC Review.
Phase 3 involves:
Survey UV Installations;
Lamp Breakage Study; and,
Analysis, Recommendations, and Reporting. Includes figures.