This product is a PDF that contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) as noted.Today's data centers and IT equipment have complex thermal management schemes to enable optimization of power and performance, while ensuring the reliability required in data center applications. This seminar covers the IT equipment and the data center. Data center designers and operators often have misconceptions on how the IT thermal management and available features work. This seminar reviews these and how data center environmental conditions affect them. It also reviews best practices for air-cooled data centers; reporting on a first-of-its kind direct comparison of hot and cold aisle containment. The attendee gains an advanced understanding of best practices.IT Equipment Thermal Management: What Should a Data Center Operator Know?Robin A. Steinbrecher, MemberThis product contains: Slides (pdf) Recorded Presentation Audio (mp3)A Comparison of Hot-Aisle and Cold-Aisle Containment Strategies, Which Is More Efficient?Michael K. Patterson, Ph.D., P.E., MemberThis product contains: Slides (pdf) Recorded Presentation Audio (mp3)