Small craft. Electric navigation lights. Performance of LED lights
小艇 电子导航灯 LED灯的性能
BS EN ISO 19009:2015适用于永久性安装导航灯的要求和测试
固定发光二极管(LED)组件,适用于船体长度不超过24米的小艇。交叉引用:ISO 11664-1CIE 15CIE 69CIE 70:1987IEC 60529:1989IEC 60945:2002IEC 60068-2-27:20082013/53/E购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN ISO 19009:2015 applies to requirements and testing for navigation lights with permanently
fixed light emitting diode (LED) assemblies for small craft up to 24 m length of the hull.Cross References:ISO 11664-1CIE 15CIE 69CIE 70:1987IEC 60529:1989IEC 60945:2002IEC 60068-2-27:20082013/53/ECAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.