Introductory Text1.Citation, commencement and application2.Interpretation3.The overriding objective4.Particulars of application5.Acknowledgement of application by tribunal6.Reply by landlord7.Distribution of documents by tribunal8.Determination without a hearing9.Directions10.Supply of information and documents11.Failure to comply with an order to supply information and documents12.Inspection of property and neighbourhood13.Case management conference14.Other case management powers15.Notice of hearing16.Postponement of hearing17.Hearing18.Hearing in public or private19.Failure of a party to appear at a hearing20.Decisions of the Tribunal21.Costs22.Assistance to participants23.Notice and documents24.Time25.Frivolous and vexatious applications26.Persons entitled to be present at a hearing held in private27.Irregularities28.Signature of documentsSignatureExplanatory Note