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现行 CSA A123.24:21
Standard test method for wind resistance of modular vegetated roof assembly 模块化植被屋顶组件抗风性的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2021-02-01
前言:这是CSA A123的第二版。24,植被屋顶组件抗风性的标准试验方法。它取代了2015年出版的前一版,标题为模块化植被屋顶组件抗风性标准试验方法。之前的版本仅限于模块化植被屋顶组件(MVRA)。本版介绍了内置植被屋顶组件(BVRA)的试样要求、试验方法和失效标准。BVRA和MVRA占据了加拿大植被屋顶组件市场份额的80%以上。本版本也进行了更新,以符合NBCC 2015的负载阻力系数设计程序。本标准基于加拿大国家研究委员会(NRCC)正在进行的研究和测试。 本文件规定了植被屋顶组件的抗风试验要求。规定的要求包括样品设置、仪器和仪器、测试程序和终端。CSA集团承认,该标准的制定在一定程度上是由加拿大屋顶承包商协会(CRCA)管理的SIGDERS-VRA财团提供的财政支持实现的。本标准的制定符合加拿大标准委员会对加拿大国家标准的要求。CSA集团已将其作为加拿大国家标准发布。范围:1.1概述本标准中的试验方法确定了在实验室条件下承受动态风流和动态风抬升时植被屋顶组件的抗风性。 1.2适用性根据本标准中的试验方法进行的试验适用于模块化和内置植被屋顶系统。1.3例外情况根据本标准中的试验方法进行的试验不适用于CSA A123第3条中定义的机械连接薄膜屋顶系统。21.1.4本标准中的术语“应”用于表示要求,即用户为遵守本标准而有义务满足的规定;“应该”用于表示建议或建议但不需要的建议;“可”用于表示一个选项或在标准范围内允许的选项。注释随附条款不包括要求或替代要求;随附条款的注释的目的是将解释性或信息性材料与文本分开。 表和图的注释被视为表或图的一部分,可以作为要求编写。附件被指定为规范性(强制性)或信息性(非强制性)以定义其应用。1.5测量单位国际单位制给出的数值为本标准中的记录单位。括号中给出的值仅供参考和比较。
Preface:This is the second edition of CSA A123.24,Standard test method for wind resistance of vegetated roof assembly. It supersedes the previous edition published in 2015, under the titleStandard test method for wind resistance of modular vegetated roof assembly.The previous edition was limited to modular vegetated roof assembly (MVRA). This edition introduces the specimen requirements, test methodology, and failure criteria for the built in place vegetated roof assembly (BVRA). BVRA and MVRA covers over 80% of the Canadian vegetated roof assembly market share. This edition is also updated to align with the NBCC 2015's load resistance factor design procedure.This Standard is based on the ongoing research and testing that is being carried out at the National Research Council Canada (NRCC). This document provides requirements for wind resistance testing of vegetated roof assemblies. The requirements specified include specimen set-up, instrumentation and apparatus, testing procedures, and termination.CSA Group acknowledges that the development of this Standard was made possible, in part, by the financial support from the SIGDERS-VRA consortia managed by the Canadian Roofing Contractors' Association (CRCA).This Standard has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group.Scope:1.1 GeneralThe test method in this Standard determines the wind resistance of vegetated roof assembly when subjected to dynamic wind flow and dynamic wind uplift in laboratory conditions.1.2 ApplicabilityTesting in accordance with the test method in this Standard is applicable to modular and built-in-place vegetated roof systems.1.3 ExceptionsTesting in accordance with the test method in this Standard is not applicable to mechanically attached membrane roofing system as defined in Clause 3 of CSA A123.21.1.4 TerminologyIn this Standard, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.1.5 Units of measurementThe values given in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Standard. The values given in parentheses are for information and comparison only.
发布单位或类别: 加拿大-加拿大标准协会