This product is a PDF that contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) as noted.The building envelope can have significant impacts on occupantcomfort, with improper design leading to issues such as excessive heatgain, noise or cold temperatures. ASHRAE Standard 55 provides clearguidance on the conditions required for comfort, but unfortunately manydesigners do not fully understand how to use the data from that standard todesign an effective enclosure that controls heat and airflow to promoteoccupant comfort. This session reviews the basics of how building envelopescan impact occupant comfort and provides design guidance foravoiding problems.Applying ASHRAE Standard 55 to Building Envelope DesignSean O'Brien, P.E., Member, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.,New York, NYProduct Contains: Slides (pdf), Audio (mp3), Recorded Presentation (mp4), Recorded Presentation (flv)The Building Enclosure and Its Impact on Occupant ComfortPeter Adams, P.Eng., Member, Morrison Hershfield Limited, Toronto,ON, CanadaProduct Contains: Slides (pdf), Audio (mp3), Recorded Presentation (mp4), Recorded Presentation (flv)Run Time: 60 mins.