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现行 ETSI EN 303 423
Environmental Engineering (EE); Electrical and electronic household and office equipment; Measurement of networked standby power consumption of Interconnecting equipment 环境工程;家用和办公用电气和电子设备;互连设备网络备用功耗的测量
发布日期: 2020-03-01
ETSI EN 303 423规定了网络待机和 报告网络互连设备的结果。附录B中给出了互连设备的示例。CENELEC EN 50564[1]涵盖了备用(网络备用除外)的功耗,包括: 输入电压范围。本文件还提供了一种测试电源管理以及是否可以停用的方法 无线网络连接。本文件适用于单相产品额定输入电压为230 V a.c.的电气产品 三相产品的交流电压为400 V。本文件根据授权文件M/544编制,可用于证明遵守欧盟的规定 第801/2013号法规[i.2]。
ETSI EN 303 423 specifies methods of measurement of electrical power consumption in networked standby and the reporting of the results for network interconnecting equipment.Example of interconnecting equipment are in Annex B.Power consumption in standby (other than networked standby) is covered by CENELEC EN 50564 [1], including the input voltage range.The present document also provides a method to test power management and whether it is possible to deactivate wireless network connection(s).The present document applies to electrical products with a rated input voltage of 230 V a.c. for single phase products and 400 V a.c. for three phase products.The present document is produced under the mandate M/544 and can be used to demonstrate compliance to the EU regulation 801/2013 [i.2].