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现行 ISO 10425:2023
Steel wire ropes for the petroleum and natural gas industries — Minimum requirements and terms of acceptance 石油和天然气工业用钢丝绳最低要求和验收条件
发布日期: 2023-10-03
本文件规定了石油和天然气工业用不超过绳索等级2160的钢丝绳制造和测试的最低要求和验收条款。 典型的应用包括油管线、杆吊架线、砂线、电缆工具钻井和清理线、电缆工具套管线、旋转钻井线、绞车线、马头抽油机线、鱼雷线、桅杆?提升线、导向张紧器线、立管张紧器线、系泊线和锚线。还包括用于起重吊索和起重机的钢丝绳,以及用于油井测量的钢丝和用于油井维修的钢丝绳。 表中给出了更常见尺寸、等级和结构的绞合绳的最小断裂力。然而,本文档并不局限于这些表所涵盖的类。其他类型也可以符合其要求。这些钢丝绳的最小断裂力值由制造商提供。 仅供参考,其他表格列出了大直径绞合绳和螺旋绳(即螺旋股和锁定盘管)的最小断裂力,同时也给出了更常见的绞合绳结构和大直径绞合绳和螺旋绳的近似标称长度质量。

This document specifies the minimum requirements and terms of acceptance for the manufacture and testing of steel wire ropes not exceeding rope grade 2160 for the petroleum and natural gas industries.

Typical applications include tubing lines, rod hanger lines, sand lines, cable-tool drilling and clean out lines, cable tool casing lines, rotary drilling lines, winch lines, horse head pumping unit lines, torpedo lines, mast?raising lines, guideline tensioner lines, riser tensioner lines, mooring and anchor lines. Wire ropes for lifting slings and cranes, and wire for well-measuring and strand for well-servicing are also included.

The minimum breaking forces for the more common sizes, grades and constructions of stranded rope are given in tables. However, this document does not restrict itself to the classes covered by those tables. Other types can also conform with its requirements. The minimum breaking force values for these wire ropes are provided by the manufacturer.

For information only, other tables present the minimum breaking forces for large diameter stranded and spiral ropes (i.e. spiral strand and locked coil), while approximate nominal length masses for the more common stranded rope constructions and large diameter stranded and spiral ropes are also given.

归口单位: ISO/TC 105