Measurement of radioactivity. Gamma emitting radionuclides. Rapid screening method using scintillation detector gamma-ray spectrometry
放射性测量 发射伽马射线的放射性核素 闪烁探测器γ能谱快速筛选法
BS ISO 19581:2017规定了一种筛选试验方法,与HPGe探测器相比,使用低分辨率闪烁探测器的伽马射线光谱法快速量化固体或液体试验样品中发射伽马射线的放射性核素(如131I、132Te、134Cs和137Cs)的放射性浓度。本试验方法可用于测量任何潜在污染的环境基质(包括土壤)、食品和饲料样品以及经过适当处理的工业材料或产品。本文件未规定筛选方法中使用的样品制备技术,因为不需要简单加工(切割、研磨等)以外的特殊样品制备技术。尽管取样程序在样品放射性测量中至关重要,但不在本文件范围内;可与本文件结合使用的其他取样程序国际标准。
本试验方法适用于放射性核素(如131I、134Cs和137Cs)的测量。在Marinelli烧杯中使用0.5 l至1.0 l的样本量,计数时间为5分钟至20分钟,判定阈值为10 Bq?公斤1可使用商用闪烁光谱仪[例如铊活化碘化钠(NaI(Tl))光谱仪2”×2”探测器尺寸,662 keV时7%分辨率(FWHM),30 mm铅屏蔽厚度]实现。
由于本试验方法所得结果的不确定性,在适当制备试样后,可在试验实验室使用高纯锗(HPGe)探测器γ射线光谱法测量需要更准确试验结果的试样。本文件不包含确定油的活性浓度的标准。交叉引用:ISO 11929:2010 Ed 1ISO/IEC 17025:2005ISO 80000-10:2009 Ed 1IEC 61453:2007IAEA GS-R-7IAEA GSG-2ISO 5667-1:2006 Ed 2(R10)ISO 6497:2002 Ed 1(R08)ISO 1839ISO 7002:1986ISO 18589-2:2015 Ed 2ISO 10703:2007 Ed 2ISO/IEC指南98-3:2008 Ed 1IEC 61563:2001ISO 18589-3:2015ISO 707:2008购买本文件时可用的所有现行修订均包含在本文件中。
BS ISO 19581:2017 specifies a screening test method to quantify rapidly the activity concentration of gamma-emitting radionuclides, such as 131I, 132Te, 134Cs and 137Cs, in solid or liquid test samples using gamma-ray spectrometry with lower resolution scintillation detectors as compared with the HPGe detectors.This test method can be used for the measurement of any potentially contaminated environmental matrices (including soil), food and feed samples as well as industrial materials or products that have been properly conditioned. Sample preparation techniques used in the screening method are not specified in this document, since special sample preparation techniques other than simple machining (cutting, grinding, etc.) should not be required. Although the sampling procedure is of utmost importance in the case of the measurement of radioactivity in samples, it is out of scope of this document; other international standards for sampling procedures that can be used in combination with this document are available.The test method applies to the measurement of gamma-emitting radionuclides such as 131I, 134Cs and 137Cs. Using sample sizes of 0,5 l to 1,0 l in a Marinelli beaker and a counting time of 5 min to 20 min, decision threshold of 10 Bq?kg?1 can be achievable using a commercially available scintillation spectrometer [e.g. thallium activated sodium iodine (NaI(Tl)) spectrometer 2" × 2" detector size, 7 % resolution (FWHM) at 662 keV, 30 mm lead shield thickness].
This test method also can be performed in a "makeshift" laboratory or even outside a testing laboratory on samples directly measured in the field where they were collected.During a nuclear or radiological emergency, this test method enables a rapid measurement of the sample activity concentration of potentially contaminated samples to check against operational intervention levels (OILs) set up by decision makers that would trigger a predetermined emergency response to reduce existing radiation risks.Due to the uncertainty associated with the results obtained with this test method, test samples requiring more accurate test results can be measured using high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors gamma-ray spectrometry in a testing laboratory, following appropriate preparation of the test samples.This document does not contain criteria to establish the activity concentration of OILs.Cross References:ISO 11929:2010 Ed 1ISO/IEC 17025:2005ISO 80000-10:2009 Ed 1IEC 61453:2007IAEA GS-R-7IAEA GSG-2ISO 5667-1:2006 Ed 2 (R10)ISO 6497:2002 Ed 1 (R08)ISO 1839ISO 7002:1986ISO 18589-2:2015 ED2ISO 10703:2007 Ed 2ISO/IEC GUIDE 98-3:2008 Ed 1IEC 61563:2001ISO 18589-3:2015ISO 707:2008All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.