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现行 AWWA WQTC57182
Full-Scale Application of Chlorine Dioxide Preoxidation for Disinfection with Ozone 二氧化氯预氧化臭氧消毒的全面应用
发布日期: 2002-11-01
对照成本水区(CWWD),通过美国水厂协会研究基金会(AWWARF)定制协作项目,在二氧化氯(二氧化氯)和臭氧(O3)在其40 MGD兰达尔BOLD水处理厂(WTP)上进行预氧化的效果评价。该设施是一个直接过滤装置,使用原水臭氧氧化进行过滤强化,并使用过滤后臭氧氧化(臭氧氧化后)进行初级消毒。结果表明: 预分区前添加二氧化氯减少了溴酸盐的生成;二氧化氯与原水成分反应生成的大部分亚氯酸盐通过臭氧氧化氧化为氯酸盐;二氧化氯预氧化和臭氧预氧化对提高过滤效果一样有效。包括4个参考文献。
The Contra Cost Water District (CCWD), through an American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF) Tailored Collaboration Project, conducted an evaluation of the efficacy of preoxidation with a combination of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and ozone (O3) at its 40 mgd Randall-Bold Water Treatment Plant (WTP). This facility is a direct filtration plant that uses raw-water ozonation for filtration enhancement and ozonation after filtration (post ozonation) for primary disinfection. Results indicated that: ClO2 addition before preozonation reduced bromate formation; a majority of the chlorite formed by ClO2 reactions with raw water constituents was oxidized to chlorate by ozonation; and, preoxidation with ClO2 was as effective as preoxidation with ozone for enhancing filtration. Includes 4 references.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会