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现行 RP-903
Experimental Validation of Multizone Models for Predicting Air Contaminant Transport in High Rise Buildings 高层建筑空气污染物运移多区域模型的实验验证
有许多计算机模拟模型用于预测建筑物内的气流和污染物迁移模式。本文所述研究的目的是验证多区域气流和污染物迁移模拟程序,因为它们适用于高层建筑的建模。为此,在宾夕法尼亚州立大学校园的一栋建筑中进行了大量示踪气体实验。在这些测试中,多达三种无毒气体以恒定速率注入建筑物的不同位置。然后在建筑物内的12个区域内测量这些气体的浓度。将这些试验测得的示踪气体浓度与空气流动和污染物迁移计算机程序中建筑物模型预测的浓度进行了比较。 为了生成建筑物的精确模型,有必要精确确定模型中使用的参数,尤其是描述建筑物内部和外部流动路径的流量系数和指数。这项研究的结果表明,由于难以为模型提供准确的参数,使用计算机气流和污染物迁移程序对建筑物进行精确建模是不现实的。此外,大多数程序中缺乏混合模型,无法精确测定单个区域内的污染物分布,这使得此类程序无法精确测定建筑物内的浓度。然而,气流和污染物迁移程序对于检查高层建筑内气流和污染物的一般迁移模式是有用的,只要承认它们的局限性。
There are many computer simulation models designed to predict the air flow and contaminant migration patterns in buildings. The purpose of the research described here was to validate multizone airflow and contaminant migration simulation programs as they apply to the modeling of tall buildings. To do this, a number of tracer gas experiments were performed in a building on the Pennsylvania State University campus. For these tests, up to three non toxic gases were injected into the building in different locations at a constant rate. The concentrations of these gases were then measured in up to twelve zones within the building over time. The measured tracer gas concentrations from these tests were compared to those predicted by a model of the building in an air flow and contaminant migration computer program. To produce an accurate model of the building, it was necessary to accurately determine the parameters used in the model, particularly the flow coefficients and exponents which describe the flow paths within the building and to the outside. The results of this study indicated that it is not practical to use computer air flow and contaminant migration programs to model a building precisely, due to the difficulty in providing accurate parameters for the model. Also, the lack of mixing models in most programs for contaminant distribution within individual zones makes such programs impractical for precise determination of concentrations within a building. Air flow and contaminant migration programs are useful, however, for examining general migration patterns of airflow and contaminants within tall buildings as long as their limitations are acknowledged.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类