This slide presentation outlines strategies to ensure electric power reliability for Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW). The evaluation addresses five basic issues that include: power failure risk assessment, what were GCWW's risks for a system-wide power
failure; hydraulic evaluation,
what would happen to the facilities and system in such
an outage; workshop addressing the
level of service which should be established as the
minimal acceptable threshold; standby power assessment,
what were the associated power needs; and, cost benefit analysis,
prioritize needed improvements. Project results and conclusions included:
provide capital improvement plan (CIP) funding to the top 5 - 6 ranked
standby power projects, providing 1-Day backup
cost benefit evaluation was not the crucial
factor for selecting where to install backup power
final ranking was determined on the system
hydraulics and the function of each facility within
the transmission and distribution network; cinergy has a robust system restoration plan;
GCWW is a Critical Customer for Cinergy;
Cinergy Recommendations for Power
Restoration Planning;
3 days is possible, but 7 days would be more
prudent; and,
restoration time depends on outage conditions.