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现行 AWWA ACE63217
Electric Power Reliability for Greater Cincinnati Water Works - Developing Strategies to Ensure Product Delivery 大辛辛那提水厂的电力可靠性——制定确保产品交付的策略
发布日期: 2006-06-01
本幻灯片概述了确保大辛辛那提水厂(GCWW)电力可靠性的策略。评估涉及五个基本问题,包括:电源故障风险评估、GCWW对全系统电源的风险是什么 失败水力评估, 在这种情况下,设施和系统会发生什么变化 停电;研讨会讨论 服务水平应确定为 最小可接受阈值;备用电源评估, 相关的电力需求是什么;成本效益分析, 优先考虑需要的改进。项目成果和结论包括: 向排名前5-6的公司提供资本改善计划(CIP)资金 备用电源项目,提供1天备份 能力; 成本效益评估不是关键 选择在何处安装备用电源的因素 系统; 最终排名由系统决定 液压系统和内部各设施的功能 输配网络;cinergy有一个强大的系统恢复计划; GCWW是Cinergy的关键客户; 电能的建议 恢复规划; 3天是可能的,但7天会更多 谨慎的和 恢复时间取决于大修条件。
This slide presentation outlines strategies to ensure electric power reliability for Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW). The evaluation addresses five basic issues that include: power failure risk assessment, what were GCWW's risks for a system-wide power failure; hydraulic evaluation, what would happen to the facilities and system in such an outage; workshop addressing the level of service which should be established as the minimal acceptable threshold; standby power assessment, what were the associated power needs; and, cost benefit analysis, prioritize needed improvements. Project results and conclusions included: provide capital improvement plan (CIP) funding to the top 5 - 6 ranked standby power projects, providing 1-Day backup capability; cost benefit evaluation was not the crucial factor for selecting where to install backup power systems; final ranking was determined on the system hydraulics and the function of each facility within the transmission and distribution network; cinergy has a robust system restoration plan; GCWW is a Critical Customer for Cinergy; Cinergy Recommendations for Power Restoration Planning; 3 days is possible, but 7 days would be more prudent; and, restoration time depends on outage conditions.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会