BS PD CEN/TS 17182:2018: In respect of 112-eCall (3.1) (operating requirements defined in EN 16072:2015), this Technical
Specification defines the high level application protocols (3.10), procedures and processes required to
provide the eCall service via an ISO 21217 compliant "ITS station unit".Cross References:CEN ISO/TS 21176ETSI TS 122 003ETSI TS 122 101CEN/TS 17240EN ISO 17423:2018EN ISO 17419:2018ISO/TS 16460:2016EN 16072:2015EN 15722:2015ISO 22418:2018EN 16454:2015EN 16062:2015CEN/TS 17184:2018ISO 24102-6:2018ISO 21217:2014IEEE 1609.3:2016IEEE 802.11:2016IETF RFC 3261ISO 24102-4ISO 29281-1ISO 21218:2018EN 16102:2011All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.