Code of practice for design, installation and servicing of integrated systems incorporating fire detection and alarm systems and/or other security systems for buildings other than dwellings
提供安全系统与其他安全系统集成的建议,以便在建筑物内和周围使用交叉参考:89/336/EEC92/31/EECBS 4737:第1BS 4737部分:第2BS 4737部分:第4BS 4737部分:第4.1BS 4737部分:第4.2BS 4737部分:第4.3BS 5266部分:第1BS 5306BS 5839部分:第1BS 5839部分:第4BS 5979BS 6259BS 6266BS 6799BS 7042BS 7273部分:第1BS 7443BS 7671BS 8220部分:第2BS 8220部分:第1BS 5839部分3BS EN 50081-1BS EN 50082-1BS EN ISO 9000购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
Provides recommendations for the integration of a security system with other security systems for use in and around buildingsCross References:89/336/EEC92/31/EECBS 4737:Part 1BS 4737:Part 2BS 4737:Part 4BS 4737:Section 4.1BS 4737:Section 4.2BS 4737:Section 4.3BS 5266:Part 1BS 5306BS 5839:Part 1BS 5839:Part 4BS 5979BS 6259BS 6266BS 6799BS 7042BS 7273:Part 1BS 7443BS 7671BS 8220:Part 2BS 8220:Part 3BS EN 50081-1BS EN 50082-1BS EN ISO 9000All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.