Copper and copper alloys. Seamless, round copper tubes for medical gases or vacuum
铜和铜合金 医用气体或真空用无缝圆铜管
BS EN 13348:2016规定了要求、取样、试验方法和交付条件
用于铜管。本标准适用于外径为6 mm至和mm的无缝圆铜管
包括219 mm,用于真空下的管道系统或用于分配以下医用气体
适用于高达2000 kPa的工作压力:氧气、一氧化二氮、氮气、氦气、二氧化碳、氙气;医用空气;上述气体的特定混合物;用于驱动手术工具的空气;麻醉气体和蒸汽。交叉引用:EN 723EN 1173EN 1971-1EN 1971-2EN 10204:2004 EN ISO 6507-1ISO 6507-1EN ISO 6892-1ISO 6892-1EN ISO 8491ISO 8491EN ISO 8493ISO 8493ISO 1553ISO 47412014/68/EUISO 857-
2:2005EN 1412EN 1057:2006+A1:2010EN ISO 6708ISO 6708EN ISO 7396-1ISO 7396-1EN ISO 7396-2ISO 7396-2EN ISO 9001ISO 9001ISO 1190-1购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 13348:2016 specifies the requirements, sampling, test methods and conditions of delivery
for copper tubes.It is applicable to seamless round copper tubes having an outside diameter from 6 mm up to and
including 219 mm for pipeline systems under vacuum or for distributing the following medical gases
intended to be used at operating pressures up to 2 000 kPa:oxygen, nitrous oxide, nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, xenon;medical air;specific mixtures of these above mentioned gases;air for driving surgical tools;anaesthetic gases and vapours.Cross References:EN 723EN 1173EN 1971-1EN 1971-2EN 10204:2004EN ISO 6507-1ISO 6507-1EN ISO 6892-1ISO 6892-1EN ISO 8491ISO 8491EN ISO 8493ISO 8493ISO 1553ISO 47412014/68/EUISO 857-2:2005EN 1412EN 1057:2006+A1:2010EN ISO 6708ISO 6708EN ISO 7396-1ISO 7396-1EN ISO 7396-2ISO 7396-2EN ISO 9001ISO 9001ISO 1190-1All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.