Smoke and heat control systems-Specification for powered smoke and heat control ventilators (Fans)
EN-12101和BS 2015:01规定了烟雾控制产品的特性
后果本欧洲标准适用于以下各项:用于烟雾和热控制通风的风扇;用于烟雾和热控制通风的脉冲/射流风机;交叉引用:EN 1363EN 13501-4EN 60034-1IEC 60034-1EN 60034-2-1IEC 60034-2-1EN 60034-18-41IEC 60034-
18-41EN 60085IEC 60085CLC/TS 60034-17IEC 60034-17EN ISO 204ISO 204EN ISO 5167EN ISO 5801ISO 5801EN ISO 6892-1ISO 6892-1ISO 6892-1ISO 6892-2ISO 6892-2ISO 281ISO 834-1ISO 1099305/2011/EUEN 1366EN 12094EN 12101-2:2003EN ISO 9001ISO 9001ISO 3:1973ISO 14520-1ASTM E1461-07-2011ASTM E228-11UNE 400309:1997购买本文件时可提供的所有当前修订内容。
BS EN 12101-3:2015 specifies the products characteristics of powered smoke and heat control ventilators
(fans) intended to be used as part of a powered smoke and heat control ventilation system in construction works.It provides test and assessment methods of the characteristics and the compliance criteria of the test assessment
results.This European Standard applies to the following:fans for smoke and heat control ventilation;impulse/jet fans for smoke and heat control ventilation;Cross References:EN 1363EN 13501-4EN 60034-1IEC 60034-1EN 60034-2-1IEC 60034-2-1EN 60034-18-41IEC 60034-18-41EN 60085IEC 60085CLC/TS 60034-17IEC 60034-17EN ISO 204ISO 204EN ISO 5167EN ISO 5801ISO 5801EN ISO 6892-1ISO 6892-1EN ISO 6892-2ISO 6892-2ISO 281ISO 834-1ISO 1099305/2011/EUEN 1366EN 12094EN 12101-2:2003EN ISO 9001ISO 9001ISO 3:1973ISO 14520-1ASTM E1461-07:2011ASTM E228-11UNE 400309:1997All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.