2002/811/EC: Council Decision of 3 October 2002 establishing guidance notes supplementing Annex VII to Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive 90/220/EEC
2002/811/EC:2002年10月3日的理事会决定 制定了补充欧洲议会和理事会第2001/18/EC号指令附件七的指导说明 以故意将转基因生物释放到环境中 并废除理事会第90/220/EEC号指令
2002/811/EC: Council Decision of 3 October 2002 establishing guidance notes supplementing Annex VII to Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive 90/220/EEC