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现行 CH-2622
Development of a Standard Test Facility for Evaluation of all Types of Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Systems 开发标准测试设施 用于评估所有类型的空气-空气能量回收系统
对热回收设备的需求增加,导致许多新制造商的成立,并在热交换器的运行特性被完全了解和理解之前使用热交换器。1972年9月,AsSRAE研究加拿大和曼尼托巴大学达成协议,制定空气-空气换热器的标准程序。除了提供该领域的可比性能数据外,接受标准测试程序将消除术语、解释和测量数据使用方面的不一致。在ASHRAE空对空能量回收委员会TC 5.5的指导下,本ASHRAE标准84-78——空气额定值的测试方法- 空气换热器-已开发。本标准规定了空气-空气热交换器的传热能力、热效率和供气污染的评定方法。标准84-78的目的是:a.为获得评级数据建立统一的测试方法;b、 规定进行此类试验的试验设备类型;c、 指定所需的数据和要使用的计算。本文介绍了一种测试设备的开发和鉴定,该设备为测试所有类型的HVAC空对空能量回收系统提供了统一的方法。描述了该方法与适用ASHRAE标准的一致性。引用:ASHRAE交易,第87卷,第一部分,伊利诺伊州芝加哥
The increased demand for heat recovery equipment is resulting in the establishment of many new manufacturers and the use of heat exchangers before their operating characteristics are fully known and understood.In September 1972, an agreement between ASHRAE Research Canada and the University of Manitoba to developStandard Procedures for Rating Air-to-Air Heat Exchangerswas ratified. The acceptance of standard procedures for testing will, in addition to providing comparable performance data in this field, eliminate inconsistencies in terminology and interpretation and use of the measured data.Under the guidance of the ASHRAE Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Committee TC 5.5, this ASHRAE Standard 84-78 -Method of Testing for Rating Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers- has been developed. The standard prescribes methods for rating the heat transfer capacities, the thermal effectiveness, and supply air contamination of air-to-air heat exchangers.The purposes of Standard 84-78 are to:a. Establish a uniform method of testing for obtaining rating data;b. Specify types of test equipment for performing such tests;c. Specify data required and calculations to be used.This paper describes the development and qualification of a test facility for providing a uniform method for testing all types of HVAC air-to-air energy recovery systems. Conformance of the method to applicable ASHRAE Standards is described.
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