Iron ores for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks. Determination of the reducibility index, final degree of reduction and degree of metallization
竖井直接还原原料用铁矿石 还原指数、最终还原度和金属化度的测定
BS ISO 11258:2015 specifies a method to provide a relative measure for evaluating the extent
to and ease to which oxygen can be removed from iron ores, when reduced under conditions resembling
those prevailing in shaft direct-reduction processes. It specifies the determination of the reducibility,
final degree of reduction, and degree of metallization.This International Standard is applicable to lump ores and hot-bonded pellets.Cross References:ISO 2597-1ISO 2597-2ISO 3082ISO 5416ISO 9035ISO 11323ISO 9686All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.