General requirements for cyber-physically controlled smart machine tool systems (CPSMT) — Part 2: Reference architecture of CPSMT for subtractive manufacturing
This document specifies a reference architecture of cyber-physically controlled smart machine tool systems (CPSMT) for subtractive manufacturing based on the reference architecture of a CPSMT as provided in ISO 23704-1.
The reference architecture of a CPSMT for subtractive manufacturing includes:
— the reference architecture of a cyber-physically controlled machine tool (CPCM),
— the reference architecture of a cyber-supporting system for machine tools (CSSM), and
— the interface architecture of a CPSMT.
This document also provides:
— a conceptual description of a shop floor device system (SFDS),
— a conceptual description of a shop floor control system (SFCS),
— a conceptual description of a unified interface system (UIS), and
— example use cases of a reference architecture of a CPSMT for subtractive manufacturing.
This document does not specify physical or implementation architecture.