Wall and floor tiling-Design and installation of external ceramic, natural stone and mosaic wall tiling in normal conditions. Code of practice
交叉引用:BS 410-1BS 1210BS 4483BS 4551BS 5385-1BS 5974BS 6100-6BS 6213BS 8000-11BS EN 197-1BS EN 12004:2001BS EN 12057BS EN 12371BS EN 13139:2002BS EN 13888:2009BS EN 13914-1:2005BS EN 14411:2012BS EN 14647:2005BS EN ISO 10545-12BS 5385-4BS 8298-4BS 8000-16BS EN 1008PD 6682-3:2003建筑和施工规范起重操作和起重设备规范手动搬运操作规程工作健康安全管理规程有害健康物质的控制规程工作噪音规程工作中的个人防护设备规程购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订。
Cross References:BS 410-1BS 1210BS 4483BS 4551BS 5385-1BS 5974BS 6100-6BS 6213BS 8000-11BS EN 197-1BS EN 12004:2001BS EN 12057BS EN 12371BS EN 13139:2002BS EN 13888:2009BS EN 13914-1:2005BS EN 14411:2012BS EN 14647:2005BS EN ISO 10545-12BS 5385-4BS 8298-4BS 8000-16BS EN 1008PD 6682-3:2003Building and Construction RegulationsLifting Operations and Lifting Equipment RegulationsManual Handling Operations RegulationsManagement of Health and Safety at Work RegulationsControl of Substances Hazardous to Health RegulationsNoise at Work RegulationsPersonal Protective Equipment at Work RegulationsAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.