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现行 DE-13-038
A Novel Building Component Hybrid Vacuum Glazing - A Modeling and Experimental Validation 新型建筑构件混合真空玻璃的建模与实验验证
采用有限体积模型(FVM)对混合真空玻璃(HVG)的热性能进行了模拟,并用解析模型对其进行了理论分析。HVG是传统双层真空玻璃(DVG)和第三层玻璃板的组合,玻璃板由充气腔隔开。DVG集成在HVG中,由两个4毫米(0.16英寸)的组件组成厚玻璃板均涂有发射率为0.16的低发射率(low-e)涂层,并在其周围密封6 mm(0.24 in.)宽铟基密封剂,由一系列直径为0.4 mm(0.02 in.)的不锈钢支撑柱隔开,高度为0.2毫米(0.01英寸),间距为25毫米(0.98英寸)在真空间隙内。DVGWA采用泵出法制造,随后集成在HVG中。在第三块玻璃板上没有使用low-e涂层。为了验证模拟结果,使用按照ISO 8990(ISO 1996)要求制造的防护热箱热量计(GHBC)分析了DVG和HVG的热性能。 模拟结果表明,对于具有上述配置参数的0.4×0.4m(1.31×1.31 ft)HVG,玻璃区域中心的热传递U值为0.64 W·m-2·K-1(0.11 Btu·h-1·ft-2·°F)。在与第三块玻璃板集成之前,DVG玻璃区域中心的U值为0.85 W·m-2·K-1(0.15 Btu·h-1·ft-2·°F)。使用分析模型计算的HVG的U值为0。63 W·m-2·K-1(0.11 Btu·h-1·ft-2·°F),与使用FVM预测的结果一致,偏差小于1.5%。使用GHBC,实验测定的HVG玻璃区域中心的U值为0.66 W·m-2·K-1(0.12 Btu·h-1·ft-2·°F),与FVM的预测非常一致,偏差为3.1%。与传统的三窗格玻璃隔热玻璃系统相比,HVG的热性能良好,并且作为一种节能建筑构件具有巨大的潜力。 引文:美国科学与技术研究院学报第119卷第2部分,科罗拉多州丹佛市。
The thermal performance of a hybrid vacuum glazing (HVG) was simulated using a finite volume model (FVM) and theoretically analysed using an analytic model. HVG is the combination of a conventional double vacuum glazing (DVG) and a third glass sheet separated by a gas-filled cavity. The DVGintegrated within theHVGcomprises two 4mm(0.16 in.) thick glass sheets both coated with a low-emittance (low-e) coating with emittance of 0.16, sealed around their periphery by a 6 mm (0.24 in.) wide indium based sealant and separated by an array of stainless steel support pillars with a diameter of 0.4 mm (0.02 in.), a height of 0.2 mm (0.01 in.), and spaced at 25mm(0.98 in.) within the vacuum gap.TheDVGwas fabricated using the pump-out method and subsequently integrated within the HVG. No low-e coating was employed on the third glass sheet. To validate the simulation results, the thermal performance of both the DVG and HVG were analyzed using a guarded hot box calorimeter (GHBC) constructed in accordance with the requirements of ISO 8990 (ISO 1996).The simulation results showed that for the 0.4 by 0.4m(1.31 by 1.31 ft) HVG with the configuration parameters listed above, the thermal transmission U-value at the centre-of-glazing area was 0.64 W·m-2·K-1 (0.11 Btu·h-1·ft-2·°F). Before integration with the third glass sheet, the U-value of the centre-of-glazing area of the DVG was 0.85 W·m-2·K-1 (0.15 Btu·h-1·ft-2·°F). The U-valueof theHVGcalculated usingthe analyticmodelwas0.63 W·m-2·K-1 (0.11 Btu·h-1·ft-2·°F,) which was in good agreement with that predicted using the FVM with a deviation of less than 1.5%. Using the GHBC, the experimentally determined U-value at the centre-of-glazing area of the HVG was 0.66 W·m-2·K-1 (0.12 Btu·h-1·ft-2·°F) which was in very good agreement with the prediction by the FVM with a deviation of 3.1%. The thermal performance of the HVG compares favorably with conventional three-pane insulating glazing systems and offers significant potential as an energy saving building component.
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