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现行 AEIC CG4-97
Guide for Installation of Extruded Dielectric Insulated Power Cable Systems Rated 69 kV Through 138 kV - 2nd Edition 额定电压为69 kV至138 kV的挤压绝缘电力电缆系统的安装指南.第2版
发布日期: 1997-01-01
本指南旨在概述与挤压绝缘电缆系统安装相关的各种施工技术。目的是帮助编制额定电压为69 kV及以上的电缆系统的安装规范。此类系统的设计超出本指南的范围。本指南试图识别目前可用的各种材料和相关安装技术。可能存在本指南未涵盖的某些材料和安装技术。然而,这并不一定意味着这些材料或技术不适用于挤压介质绝缘电缆系统。本指南中涵盖的各种部件准备、安装和测试技术必须视为一般性的,可能不适用于特定的安装。 将本指南应用于具体项目时,必须考虑当地情况。
This guide is intended to outline various construction techniques relating to the installation of extruded dielectric insulated cable systems. The purpose is to provide an aid in the preparation of installation specifications for cable systems rated 69 kV and above. The design of such systems is beyond the scope of this guide.The guide attempts to recognize the various materials and associated installation techniques presently available. There may be certain materials and installation techniques existing which are not covered in this guide. However, this does not necessarily mean that these materials or techniques are unacceptable for extruded dielectric insulated cable systems.The various component preparations, installation and testing techniques covered in this guide must be considered as general in nature and may not be applicable to a particular installation. Local situations must be considered when applying this guide to specific projects.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类