Small wastewater treatment systems for up to 50 PT-Septic tanks assembled in situ from prefabricated kits
小型废水处理系统 最高可达50 PT 用预制组件现场组装的化粪池
BS EN 12566-4:2016规定了现场组装的化粪池的要求
处理50 PT以下人口的生活废水。管道尺寸、荷载、水密性、,
规定了符合性的标记和评估。本欧洲标准不适用于仅接收灰水的化粪池。交叉引用:EN 681-1EN 12566-1:2016EN 16323:2014305/2011/EUEN ISO 9001ISO 9001购买时可用的所有现行修订版均包含在本文件的购买中。
BS EN 12566-4:2016 specifies the requirements for septic tanks assembled in situ from
prefabricated kits and ancillary equipment where applicable, used outside buildings for the partial
treatment of domestic wastewater for a population up to 50 PT. Pipe sizes, loads, watertightness,
marking and evaluation of conformity are specified.This European Standard does not apply to septic tanks receiving grey water only.Cross References:EN 681-1EN 12566-1:2016EN 16323:2014305/2011/EUEN ISO 9001ISO 9001All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.