Timber — Finger joints — Minimum production requirements and testing methods
ISO 10983:2014规定了结构木材产品(如胶合层压木材、交叉层压木材和指接木材)中粘结指接接头的制造和测试的最低要求。
尽管大多数手指关节是在针叶树种(软木)中产生的,但ISO 10983:2014也适用于阔叶树种(硬木),在这些树种中,可以获得信息使其能够令人满意地结合。
它不包括压印(模压)接缝,对于层压木材产品,它仅适用于单个层压。ISO 10983:2014未涵盖胶合层压木材中的大指缝。
ISO 10983:2014 specifies minimum requirements for the manufacture and testing of bonded finger joints in structural wood products such as glued laminated timber, cross-laminated timber, and finger-jointed timber.
Although most finger joints are produced in coniferous species (softwoods), ISO 10983:2014 also applies to broadleafed species (hardwoods) where information is available to enable them to be satisfactorily bonded.
It does not cover impressed (die-formed) joints and, in the case of laminated timber products, it applies only to individual laminations. Large finger joints in glued laminated timber are not covered by ISO 10983:2014.