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现行 ASTM E1503-22
Standard Test Method for Conducting Outdoor Sound Measurements Using a Statistical Sound Analysis System 使用统计声音分析系统进行室外声音测量的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2022-10-01
1.1 本测试方法包括使用数字统计声音分析系统和正式测量计划测量特定位置的室外声级。 1.1.1 该测试方法提供了获取一组数据或多组相关数据的基本要求。然而,由于有许多情况和不同的目标需要多组数据,因此测试方法不涉及测量计划的规划。 1.2 使用本试验方法进行的测量结果包括但不限于以下内容: 1.2.1 为了表征场地的声学环境, 1.2.2 表征特定声源的声音发射,该声源在声音输出中表现出时间变化,以及 1.2.3 监测噪音影响缓解计划的有效性。 1.3 本试验方法旨在与参考本试验方法的测量计划一起使用。本试验方法规定的变更或补充应在计划中明确说明。 1.3.1 例如,如果由于时间限制,有必要在不首先正式制定计划的情况下进行测量,则如果操作员/观察员在测量过程中始终在场,且其资质符合执行组织和客户的要求,并且在可能的范围内,该操作员/观察员符合以下条件,则可以使用该测试方法:,符合本试验方法的所有适用要求,包括记录保存。 1.4 使用该测试方法获得的数据能够将声级数据与适当的标准进行比较。 1.4.1 如果在收集数据时观察到与样本持续时间和信号带宽有关的必要要求,则使用该测试方法获得的数据可用于响度水平的推导。建议在制定测量计划时咨询响度评估领域的专家,以产生用于此目的的数据。 1.5 以国际单位制表示的值应视为标准值。本标准不包括其他测量单位。 1.6 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前建立适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.7 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《国际标准、指南和建议制定原则决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 =====意义和用途====== 4.1 本测试方法涉及明确定义的方法和技术,并由训练有素的声学专业人员理解。本测试方法旨在提供一种标准方法,当遵循该方法时,将产生符合政府和行业要求的结果,并可使用测量计划过程中收集和记录的信息进行验证。 4.2 有许多情况需要室外声级数据。包括但不限于以下内容: 4.2.1 在引入新的声源之前记录声级,作为评估拟建设施和相关活动造成的噪声影响的参考, 4.2.2 对比有无特定声源的声级(例如,评估现有声源的影响),以及 4.2.3 声级与标准或监管限值的比较(例如,超过标准或不遵守法律的指示)。 4.3 该测试方法提供了一种操作声音分析系统的方法,该系统包括用于处理和存储声级数据的数字电路,记录测量条件并报告结果。 4.4 此测试方法为用户提供以下信息( 1. )在指定地点对特定时间段的室外声级进行统计分析并记录在案,以及( 2. )进行并记录必要的物理观察,以确定测量结果。 4.5 个人、监管机构或其他人可使用该测试方法作为测量方法,以收集许多常见情况下的声学数据。数据收集的格式取决于设备的能力、选择的设备操作选项以及可用的后处理选项。 4.6 用户应注意,有许多因素会强烈影响室外声级测量过程中获得的结果,并且该测试方法不旨在取代声学领域专家的经验和判断。 该测试方法旨在促进声音测量专业人员与负责管理法规或参与声音测量决策的个人之间的沟通。测量只能在有户外声音测量和分析经验且完全熟悉相关设备和技术使用的人员的指导下进行。 4.7 该测试方法只是一个测量程序,因此不涉及将采集数据与特定标准进行比较的方法。本测试方法中未提供用于估计两个或多个同时测量声音的影响的程序。 当测量数据低于规定限值时,可通过适当的计划使用该测试方法来确定合规性,反之,当任何数据高于规定限值,则可使用该方法来确定不合规性。
1.1 This test method covers the measurement of outdoor sound levels at specific locations using a digital statistical sound analysis system and a formal measurement plan. 1.1.1 This test method provides basic requirements for obtaining either a single set of data or multiple sets of related data. However, because there are numerous circumstances and varied objectives requiring multiple sets of data, the test method does not address planning of the measurement program. 1.2 The use of results of measurements performed using this test method include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.2.1 To characterize the acoustical environment of a site, 1.2.2 To characterize the sound emissions of a specific sound source which exhibits a temporal variation in sound output, and 1.2.3 To monitor the effectiveness of a noise impact mitigation plan. 1.3 This test method is intended to be used in conjunction with a measurement plan that references this test method. Changes or additions to the provisions of this test method shall be clearly stated in the plan. 1.3.1 In the event it is necessary, for example, because of time constraints, to conduct measurements without first formalizing a plan, this test method can be used if an operator/observer whose qualifications are satisfactory to both the performing organization and the client is present at all times during the measurements and who complies, to the extent possible, with all the applicable requirements of this test method, including record keeping. 1.4 The data obtained using this test method enable comparison of sound level data with appropriate criteria. 1.4.1 The data obtained with this test method can be used in the derivation of loudness levels provided the necessary requirements regarding sample duration and signal bandwidth are observed in collecting the data. It is recommended that a specialist in the area of loudness evaluation be consulted in preparing a plan for measurements intended to produce data which will be used for this purpose. 1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.7 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 This test method deals with methods and techniques which are well defined and which are understood by a trained acoustical professional. This test method has been prepared to provide a standard methodology which, when followed, will produce results which are consistent with requirements of government and industry, and which can be validated using information gathered and documented in the course of the measurement program. 4.2 There are numerous situations for which outdoor sound level data are required. These include, but are not limited to the following: 4.2.1 Documentation of sound levels before the introduction of a new sound source as a reference for assessment of the noise impact caused by a proposed facility and associated activities, 4.2.2 Comparison of sound levels with and without a specific source (for example, assessment of the impact of an existing source), and 4.2.3 Comparison of sound levels with criteria or regulatory limits (for example, indication of exceedance of criteria or non-compliance with laws). 4.3 This test method provides a means for operating a sound analysis system which incorporates digital circuits for processing and storing sound level data, documenting conditions under which the measurements were performed, and reporting the results. 4.4 This test method provides the user with information to ( 1 ) perform and document statistical analysis of outdoor sound level over specific time periods at specified places, and ( 2 ) make and document the physical observations necessary to qualify the measurements. 4.5 This test method can be used by individuals, regulatory agencies, or others as a measurement method to collect acoustical data for many common situations. The data are collected in a format determined by the capabilities of the equipment, equipment operational options selected, and by post-processing options available. 4.6 The user is cautioned that there are many factors that can strongly influence the results obtained during measurement of outdoor sound levels and that this test method is not intended to supplant the experience and judgment of experts in the field of acoustics. This test method is intended to facilitate communication between sound measurement professionals and individuals who are responsible for administering regulations, or are otherwise involved in decisions involving sound measurements. Measurements shall be performed only under the direction of people who are experienced in the measurement and analysis of outdoor sound, and who are thoroughly familiar with the use of the equipment and techniques involved. 4.7 This test method is only a measurement procedure and, as such, does not address the methods of comparison of the acquired data with specific criteria. No procedures are provided within this test method for estimating the influences of two or more simultaneously measured sounds. This test method can be used, with an appropriate plan, in establishing compliance when the measured data are below a specified limit, or conversely, establishing noncompliance when any of the data are above a specified limit.
归口单位: E33.09
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