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现行 IEC 61786-1:2013+AMD1:2024 CSV
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings - Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments 人体暴露下1 Hz至100 kHz直流磁场、交流磁场和交流电场的测量.第1部分:测量仪器的要求
发布日期: 2024-07-24
IEC 61786-1:20 13+AMD1:2024 CSV为用于测量频率含量在1 Hz至100 kHz范围内的准静态磁场和电场的场强以及DC磁场的测量仪器提供了指南,以评估人体对这些场的暴露水平。场源包括在工频下工作并产生工频和工频谐波场的设备,以及在本文件的频率范围内产生场的设备,包括产生静态场的设备,以及地球的静态磁场。该标准涵盖的幅度范围在交流电中为0.1 μ T至200 mT(在直流中为1 μ T至10 T),磁场和电场分别为1 V/m至50 kV/m。当进行超出此范围的测量时,本标准的大部分规定仍将适用,但应特别注意规定的不确定度和校准程序。IEC 61786-1和IEC 61786-2的第一版取代了IEC 61786:1998。第1部分涉及测量仪器,第2部分涉及测量程序。为了向用户提供最新和实用的信息,对标准的内容进行了修订。 根据IEC指南108,它具有水平标准的地位。
IEC 61786-1:2013+AMD1:2024 CSV provides guidance for measuring instruments used to measure the field strength of quasi-static magnetic and electric fields that have a frequency content in the range 1 Hz to 100 kHz and with DC magnetic fields to evaluate the exposure levels of the human body to these fields. Sources of fields include devices that operate at power frequencies and produce power frequency and power frequency harmonic fields, as well as devices that produce fields within the frequency range of this document, including devices that produce static fields, and the earth's static magnetic field. The magnitude ranges covered by this standard are 0,1 μT to 200 mT in AC (1 μT to 10 T in DC) and 1 V/m to 50 kV/m for magnetic fields and electric fields, respectively. When measurements outside this range are performed, most of the provisions of this standard will still apply, but special attention should be paid to specified uncertainty and calibration procedures. The first editions of IEC 61786-1 and IEC 61786-2 replace IEC 61786:1998. Part 1 deals with measuring instruments, and Part 2 deals with measurement procedures. The content of the standard was revised in order to give up-to-date and practical information to the user.
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
归口单位: TC 106
BS IEC 61786-2-2014
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings-Basic standard for measurements
关于人体暴露的1 Hz至100 kHz直流磁场、交流磁场和交流电场的测量
BS EN 61786-1-2014
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings-Requirements for measuring instruments
关于人体暴露的1 Hz至100 kHz直流磁场、交流磁场和交流电场的测量
IEC 61786-1-2013
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings - Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments
测量Dc磁性 Ac磁性和Ac电场从1 Hz到100 Khz对于人类的暴露 - 第1部分:测量仪器的要求
IEC 61786-2-2014
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings - Part 2: Basic standard for measurements
IEC 61786-1-2013/AMD1-2024
Amendment 1 - Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings - Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments
修改件1-关于人体暴露的1 Hz至100 kHz直流磁场、交流磁场和交流电场的测量-第1部分:测量仪器的要求
AS/NZS 61786.1-2021
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings, Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments (IEC 61786-1:2013 (ED.1.0) MOD)
关于人体暴露的1Hz至100kHz直流磁场、交流磁场和交流电场的测量 第1部分:测量仪器的要求(IEC 61786-1-2013(ED.1.0)MOD)
DIN EN 61786-1
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings - Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments (IEC 61786-1:2013); German version EN 61786-1:2014
与人体暴露有关的1Hz至100kHz直流磁场、交流磁场和交流电场的测量.第1部分:测量仪器的要求(IEC 61786-1-2013);德文版EN 61786-1:2014
AS/NZS 61786.2-2021
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings, Part 2: Basic standard for measurements (IEC 61786-2:2014 (ED. 1.0) MOD)
关于人体暴露的1Hz至100kHz直流磁场、交流磁场和交流电场的测量 第2部分:测量基本标准(IEC 61786-2:2014(ED.1.0)MOD)
IEEE 644-2019
IEEE Standard Procedures for Measurement of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields from AC Power Lines
DIN EN 61786-1-DRAFT
Draft Document - Measurement of DC magnetic fields, AC magnetic and electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings - requirements for instruments (IEC 106/249/CDV:2012); German version FprEN 61786-1:2012
文件草案——关于人体暴露的1Hz至100kHz直流磁场、交流磁场和电场的测量——仪器要求(IEC 106/249/CDV:2012);德文版FprEN 61786-1:2012
BS EN 62110-2009
Electric and magnetic field levels generated by AC power systems. Measurement procedures with regard to public exposure
交流电力系统产生的电场和磁场水平 关于公众暴露的测量程序
IEC 62110-2009
Electric and magnetic field levels generated by AC power systems - Measurement procedures with regard to public exposure
交流电力系统产生的电场和磁场水平 - 关于公众暴露的测量程序
BS 06/30126742 DC
IEC 62110. Measurement procedures of electric and magnetic fields generated by AC power systems with regard to human exposure
IEC 62110 交流电力系统产生的与人体接触有关的电场和磁场的测量程序
AS/NZS 62110-2021
Electric and magnetic field levels generated by AC power systems - Measurement procedures with regard to public exposure (IEC 62110:2009/COR1:2015, MOD)
交流电力系统产生的电场和磁场水平.与公共暴露有关的测量程序(IEC 62110-2009/COR1-2015 MOD)
DIN EN 62110
Electric and magnetic field levels generated by AC power systems - Measurement procedures with regard to public exposure (IEC 62110:2009); German version EN 62110:2009
交流电力系统产生的电场和磁场水平.与公共暴露有关的测量程序(IEC 62110-2009);德文版EN 62110:2009
DIN EN 62110 Corrigendum 1
Electric and magnetic field levels generated by AC power systems - Measurement procedures with regard to public exposure (IEC 62110:2009); German version EN 62110:2009, Corrigendum to DIN EN 62110 (VDE 0848-110):2010-08; (IEC-Cor.:2015 to IEC 62110:2009)
交流电力系统产生的电场和磁场水平.与公共暴露有关的测量程序(IEC 62110-2009);德国版本EN 62110:2009 DIN EN 62110勘误表(VDE 0848-110):2010-08;(IEC-Cor:2015至IEC 62110:2009)