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现行 ISO 4787:2021
Laboratory glass and plastic ware — Volumetric instruments — Methods for testing of capacity and for use 实验室玻璃和塑料器皿.容量仪器.容量试验和使用方法
发布日期: 2021-11-22
本文件提供了玻璃和塑料制成的容量仪器的测试、校准和使用方法,以便在使用中获得最佳精度。 注?测试是确定单个容量仪器与适当标准的一致性,从而确定其在一个或多个点的测量误差的过程。 本文件适用于标称容量在100?μl至10000?ml范围内的容量仪器。这些仪器包括单容量移液管(见ISO?648)、刻度移液管(见ISO?835)、滴定管(见ISO?385)、容量瓶(见ISO?1042和ISO?5215)和刻度量筒(见ISO?4788和ISO?6706)。 本方法不适用于容量低于100μl的容量仪器的测试,如微型玻璃器皿。 本文件不专门涉及ISO?3507中规定的比重瓶。然而,在大多数情况下,测定比重瓶体积时,也可以遵循玻璃器皿体积测定程序。 对于某些类型的比重瓶,可能需要特殊处理。
This document provides methods for the testing, calibration and use of volumetric instruments made from glass and plastic in order to obtain the best accuracy in use. NOTE      Testing is the process by which the conformity of the individual volumetric instrument with the appropriate standard is determined, resulting in the determination of its error of measurement at one or more points. This document is applicable to volumetric instruments with nominal capacities in the range of 100 μl to 10 000 ml. These include single-volume pipettes (see ISO 648), graduated pipettes (see ISO 835), burettes (see ISO 385), volumetric flasks (see ISO 1042 and ISO 5215), and graduated measuring cylinders (see ISO 4788 and ISO 6706). The methods are not intended for testing of volumetric instruments with capacities below 100 μl such as micro-glassware. This document does not deal specifically with pycnometers as specified in ISO 3507. However, the procedures specified for the determination of volume of glassware can, for the most part, also be followed for the determination of a pycnometer volume. For some types of pycnometers, special handling can be necessary.
归口单位: ISO/TC 48/SC 8