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现行 ISO 16329:2003
Ships and marine technology — Heading control systems for high-speed craft 船舶与海洋技术——高速船航向控制系统
发布日期: 2003-04-15
ISO 16329:2003规定了在下列条件下运行的船舶上安装的航向控制系统的结构、性能、检查和测试: 速度超过30千牛至70千牛;最大转弯速率20°/s;根据HSC规范第13章的要求,70°N至70°S之间的正常工作范围应符合这些标准中规定的最低性能要求。 ISO 16329:2003适用于航向控制系统,该系统使船舶能够在与船舶机动性及其航向信息源相关的限制内,以船舶舵机的最小操作保持预设航向。
ISO 16329:2003 specifies the structure, performance, inspection and testing of heading control systems to be installed on board crafts operating under the following conditions:
  1. speed exceeding 30 kn and up to 70 kn;
  2. maximum rate of turn 20°/s;
  3. the normal range of operation between 70°N and 70°S should, as required by chapter 13 of the HSC Code, comply with the minimum performance requirements specified in these standards.
ISO 16329:2003 applies to the heading control systems which enable a craft to keep a preset heading with minimum operation of the craft's steering gear, within limits related to the craft's manoeuvrability in conjunction with their sources of heading information.
归口单位: ISO/TC 8/SC 6