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现行 IEC 60034-23:2019
Rotating electrical machines - Part 23: Repair, overhaul and reclamation 旋转电机第23部分:修理、大修和回收
发布日期: 2019-01-24
IEC 60034-23:20 19涵盖了确保IEC 60034涵盖的所有类型和尺寸的旋转电机令人满意的维修、大修和回收所需的程序。 该标准创建了一个通用的行业程序,涵盖了完整维修的常见方面。工作范围取决于机器类型、额定值、状况以及工厂可靠性和安全性的重要性。本标准不取代IEC 60079-19或其他地方规定的关于在爆炸性环境中使用的机器的修理和大修的要求。 第一版取消并取代了2003年发布的IEC TS 60034-23。与上一版相比,此版本包括以下重大技术变更: -标准的标题已改为旋转电机-第23部分:修理、大修和填海; -增加了一般原则以涵盖:危险区域、牵引电机、机器效率、环境、报废回收。和循环经济考虑; -概述:现在涵盖的工作范围、健康和安全、标准、质量、所需信息和文件; -更新最终测试; -增加了直流电机维修和测试的额外要求; -增加了高压交流机器维修和测试的附加要求; -增加了客户报告和移交; -增加了新的标准公差。
IEC 60034-23:2019 covers the procedures necessary to ensure the satisfactory repair, overhaul, and reclamation of all types and sizes of rotating electrical machines covered by IEC 60034.
This standard creates a generic industry procedure covering common aspects of a complete repair. The scope of work depends on the machine type, rating, condition, and the importance of plant reliability and safety. This standard does not supersede the requirements prescribed in IEC 60079-19 or elsewhere concerning the repair and overhaul for machines used in explosive atmospheres.
This first edition cancels and replaces IEC TS 60034-23 published in 2003. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
– the title of the standard has been changed to Rotating electrical machines – Part 23: Repair, overhaul and reclamation;
– general Principles added to cover: hazardous areas, traction motors, machine efficiency, environment, end of life recycling. and circular economy considerations;
– general: Scope of work, health and safety, standards, quality, information required and documentation now covered;
– final tests updated;
– additional requirements for the repair and testing of DC machines added;
– additional requirements for the repair and testing of High Voltage AC machines added;
– customer reports and handover added;
– new standard tolerances added.
归口单位: TC 2