To develop support for needed rate increases, the
Cleveland Water Division (CWD) used a comprehensive
financial plan. Their management approach
mirrors the US Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) Office of Water's Sustainable Water Infrastructure
Initiative. In this program, the USEPA collaborates
with drinking water and wastewater utility
managers, trade associations, local watershed protection
organizations, and state and local officials to
ensure that investment in the nation's water infrastructure
is sustainable into the future. CWD commissioned
CH2M HILL's Utility Management Solutions
Group to undertake the comprehensive financial
plan. The plan included several unique elements
designed to address the city's need to sustain its
operations well into the future. The scope of the
plan included a cost-of-service study, rate design, a
financial planning and rate model that included customer
and demand forecast modules, stakeholder
communication support, a water audit and studies of
system expansion, new products, and automated
metering. Includes 2 references.