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现行 IEEE/ISO/IEC P11073-20601:2010/Amd 1
ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft - Health informatics -- Personal health device communication - Part 20601: Application profile--Optimized exchange protocol -- Amendment1 ISO/IEC/IEEE批准草案-健康信息学-个人健康设备通信-第20601部分:应用概要-优化交换协议-修订1
发布日期: 2015-01-01
采用标准-活动。 在ISO/IEEE 11073设备通信标准系列的背景下,本标准定义了一个通用框架,用于以独立于传输的传输语法提供个人健康数据的抽象模型,以建立系统之间的逻辑连接,并提供执行通信任务所需的表示能力和服务。该协议针对个人健康使用需求进行了优化,并尽可能利用常用的方法和工具。 本勘误表消除了不明确之处,并纠正了IEEE Std 11073-20601-2014中确定的错误命名代码和限定符状态,以便以可互操作的方式改进本标准的实施。(注:本修正案未作为单独标准发布,但在发布时已并入ISO/IEEE 11073-20601:2010)
Adoption Standard - Active - Draft. Within the context of the ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards for device communication, this standard defines a common framework for making an abstract model of personal health data available in transport-independent transfer syntax required to establish logical connections between systems and to provide presentation capabilities and services needed to perform communication tasks. The protocol is optimized to personal health usage requirements and leverages commonly used methods and tools wherever possible. This corrigendum removes the ambiguities and corrects the wrong nomenclature codes and qualifier status that have been identified in IEEE Std 11073-20601-2014 to improve implementation of the standard in an interoperable fashion. (NOTE: This amendment was not published as an individual standard, but was incorporated into ISO/IEEE 11073-20601:2010 at time of publication)