The objectives of this powerpoint presentation were to answer the following three questions: why should water utilities care if customers recall the
Consumer Confidence Report;
what effect do primer direct mail pieces have on
Consumer Confidence Report recall; and,
how can utilities apply this information to make sound
decisions about promotion of the Consumer Confidence
Report (CCR)? Background information on the CCR is provided, and a research project is outlined that included a two-phase telephone survey that was conducted in
May and June-July 2006. The survey was designed to evaluate several effects, including:
verify impact of CCR recall on consumer
water "safety" ratings;
evaluate impact of various "primer" mailing
formats on CCR recall; and,
evaluate the cumulative impact of multiple
"primer" mailings on CCR recall. Residents received "primer" mailings 3-5
days prior to the CCR, and customer recall of the primer mailing within the "letter" zip
code was markedly higher than in either of the "card" zip codes
or the "card and letter" zip code. Topics presented include: impact on CCR Recall; CCR Recall Impact on Safety Ratings; CCR Readership Impact on Safety Ratings; Primer Recall Impact on Safety Ratings; Promotional Alternatives; and, conclusions and recommendations.