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现行 ISO 19085-16:2021
Woodworking machines — Safety — Part 16: Table band saws and band re-saws 木工机械.安全.第16部分:台式带锯和带锯
发布日期: 2021-10-08
本文件给出了手动加载和/或卸载并适合连续生产使用的台式带锯和带锯机(以下简称“机器”)的安全要求和措施。 这些机器设计用于切割实木和具有类似木材物理特性的材料。 它处理附录A中列出的与机器相关的所有重大危险、危险情况和事件,当按照预期和制造商预见的条件进行操作、调整和维护时;还考虑了合理可预见的滥用。此外,还考虑了运输、组装、拆卸、禁用和报废阶段。 它也适用于装有以下一个或多个装置/附加工作装置的机器,其危险已得到处理: a) 倾斜桌子的装置; b) 倾斜锯装置的装置。 本文件不适用于: 1) ?由内燃机或动力输出装置(PTO)驱动的机器; 2) ?原木带锯机; 注:原木带锯机包含在EN?1807-2:2013中。 3) ?水平带锯和带锯; 4) ?设计用于横切木柴的机器。 本文件不涉及与单个机器与任何其他机器(作为生产线的一部分)组合使用有关的危险。 本文件不适用于拟在潜在爆炸性环境中使用的机器,也不适用于出版日期之前制造的机器。
This document gives the safety requirements and measures for table band saws and band resaws, with manual loading and/or unloading and suitable for continuous production use, hereinafter referred to as “machines”. The machines are designed to cut solid wood and material with similar physical characteristics to wood. It deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, listed in Annex A, relevant to the machines, when operated, adjusted and maintained as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer; reasonably foreseeable misuse has been considered too. Also, transport, assembly, dismantling, disabling and scrapping phases have been taken into account. It is also applicable to machines fitted with one or more of the following devices/additional working units, whose hazards have been dealt with: a) device to tilt the table; b) device to tilt the saw unit. This document does not apply to: 1)    machines driven by combustion engines or power take offs (PTO); 2)    log band sawing machines; NOTE Log band sawing machines are covered by EN 1807-2:2013. 3)    horizontal band saws and band resaws; 4)    machines designed for cross-cutting of firewood. This document does not deal with hazards related to the combination of a single machine being used with any other machine (as part of a line). This document is not applicable to machines intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres or to machines manufactured prior to the date of its publication.
归口单位: ISO/TC 39/SC 4