Interest in the use of reclaimed water continues to expand in Texas. A major driver of the
increased interest is the population growth that is being experienced and is projected to continue.
The population in Texas is projected to more than double by the year 2050 with the current
population of about 22 million increasing to about 40.9 million people. Major factors
contributing to this greater interest in reclaimed water include increased water requirements
resulting from this amount of growth together with statewide droughts experienced during the
'90s and less severe drought periods that occurred in some areas of the state. Additionally, the
successes of using reclaimed water in Texas and other states across the United States have
certainly been key to reclaimed water being a viable water resource. At this time Texas ranks
fourth in the United States in terms of the quantities of reclaimed water used for beneficial
purposes. This paper provides an update regarding some of the current activities and presents
some perspectives about some of the future activities related to the further development of
reclaimed water programs in Texas.