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现行 ASTM E547-00(2024)
Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference 外部窗户 天窗 门和幕墙水循环静压差的标准测试方法
发布日期: 2024-12-01
1.1 本试验方法涵盖了当水同时施加到室外面和暴露边缘且室外面处的循环静态空气压力高于室内面处的压力时,外窗、幕墙、天窗和门对水渗透的阻力的测定。 1.2 本试验方法适用于任何幕墙区域或仅适用于窗户、天窗或门。 1.3 该测试方法解决了水通过制造组件的渗透问题。渗透组件但不导致如本文所定义的故障的水可能对包含的材料(例如密封剂和绝缘或夹层玻璃)的性能具有不利影响。该测试方法没有解决这些问题。 1.4 正确使用这种测试方法需要了解压力测量的原理。1.5 以SI单位表示的值应被视为标准。括号中给出的值是英寸-磅单位的数学转换,仅供参考,不被视为标准。 1.6 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全性问题(如果有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前建立适当的安全、健康和环境实践并确定法规限制的适用性。 有关具体危害声明,请参见 7.1 . 1.7 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。======意义和用途====== 5.1 本试验方法是测定循环静态气压差下耐水渗透性能的标准程序。作用在建筑围护结构上的气压差变化很大。在指定要使用的试验压差之前,应充分考虑这些因素。 附注1: 在应用该测试方法的测试结果时,请注意,墙壁或其部件或两者的性能可能是正确安装和调整的函数。在使用中,性能还将取决于支撑结构的刚性以及部件对各种原因、振动、热膨胀和收缩等劣化的抵抗力。很难模拟服役中可能遇到的相同的复杂润湿条件,大风-吹出的水滴,随着风速的增加水滴冲击压力增加,以及横向或向上移动的空气和水。一些设计比其他设计对这种向上流动的水更敏感。 附注2: 该试验方法不能识别可能渗透到试样中的不可观察的液态水。
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the resistance of exterior windows, curtain walls, skylights, and doors to water penetration when water is applied to the outdoor face and exposed edges simultaneously with a cyclic static air pressure at the outdoor face higher than the pressure at the indoor face. 1.2 This test method is applicable to any curtain-wall area or to windows, skylights, or doors alone. 1.3 This test method addresses water penetration through a manufactured assembly. Water that penetrates the assembly, but does not result in a failure as defined herein, may have adverse effects on the performance of contained materials such as sealants and insulating or laminated glass. This test method does not address these issues. 1.4 The proper use of this test method requires a knowledge of the principles of pressure measurement. 1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard statements, see 7.1 . 1.7 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 This test method is a standard procedure for determining the resistance to water penetration under cyclic static air pressure differences. The air-pressure differences acting across a building envelope vary greatly. These factors should be fully considered prior to specifying the test pressure difference to be used. Note 1: In applying the results of tests by this test method, note that the performance of a wall or its components, or both, may be a function of proper installation and adjustment. In service, the performance will also depend on the rigidity of supporting construction and on the resistance of components to deterioration by various causes, vibration, thermal expansion and contraction, etc. It is difficult to simulate the identical complex wetting conditions that can be encountered in service, with large wind-blown water drops, increasing water drop impact pressures with increasing wind velocity, and lateral or upward moving air and water. Some designs are more sensitive than others to this upward moving water. Note 2: This test method does not identify unobservable liquid water which may penetrate into the test specimen.
归口单位: E06.51