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现行 ISO 532-3:2023
Acoustics — Methods for calculating loudness — Part 3: Moore-Glasberg-Schlittenlacher method 声学.响度的计算方法.第3部分:Moore-Glassberg-Schlittenlacher法
发布日期: 2023-07-13
该文献规定了一种用于估计由耳科正常的成年听众在特定收听条件下感知到的静止和时变声音的响度和响度水平的方法。可以使用单个麦克风、使用头部和躯干模拟器来记录声音,或者对于经由耳机呈现的声音,可以使用递送到耳机的电信号。 该方法基于Moore-Glasberg-Schlittenlacher算法。 笔记?1?希望研究计算方法细节的用户可以查看或实现源代码,该源代码完全是信息性的,并且为了方便用户而提供了标准。 这种方法可以应用于任何声音,包括音调、宽带噪声、具有尖锐线谱成分的复杂声音、音乐声、语音以及枪声和音爆等冲击声。持续时间大于5的时变信号的整个周期内总响度的单个值的计算?s超出了本文档的范围。 笔记?2?已经表明,对于稳定的音调,该方法提供了与ISO?中定义的相等响度水平的轮廓的良好匹配?226:2003[18]和ISO中定义的听力参考阈值?389-7:2019[19].

This document specifies a method for estimating the loudness and loudness level of both stationary and time-varying sounds as perceived by otologically normal adult listeners under specific listening conditions. The sounds may be recorded using a single microphone, using a head and torso simulator, or, for sounds presented via earphones, the electrical signal delivered to the earphones may be used.

The method is based on the Moore-Glasberg-Schlittenlacher algorithm.

NOTE 1    Users who wish to study the details of the calculation method can review or implement the source code which is entirely informative and provided with the standard for the convenience of the user.

This method can be applied to any sounds, including tones, broadband noises, complex sounds with sharp line spectral components, musical sounds, speech, and impact sounds such as gunshots and sonic booms.

Calculation of a single value for the overall loudness over the entire period of a time-varying signal lasting more than 5 s is outside the scope of this document.

NOTE 2    It has been shown that, for steady tones, this method provides a good match to the contours of equal loudness level as defined in ISO 226:2003[18] and the reference threshold of hearing as defined in ISO 389-7:2019[19].

归口单位: ISO/TC 43