The objectives of this study were to treat eight natural organic matter (NOM) surrogates and one treated
drinking water using four different processes, and to quantify the impact upon formation of Haloacetic Acids
(HAAs). Of the surrogates, four are amino acids (glutamic acid, glycine, leucine and serine); two
are monosaccarides (mannose and xylose) and two phenolic (resorcinol and tannic acid).
The focus is on hydrophilics as these types of molecules are less responsive to
conventional treatments. The treatments are UV-C, biologically-active sand and two
advanced oxidation processes (AOPs): vacuum UV (VUV) and UV-H2O2. Since they
remove NOM by differing mechanisms, it can be expected the treatments will interact
with the surrogates in various ways and consequently affect HAA formation potential
(HAAFP). Includes 17 references, tables, figures.